
flip cup champion

my friend emily, master of child welfare and vegan baking and owner of gorgeous red hair and lovely shelter dog, rosie, recently moved into an MIT dorm with her hubs who's a PhD stud-ent there. it's a sweet gig - they act like RAs and they get an amazing suite to live in. to christen the place, they had a flip cup party, complete with vegan pizza, high-low beer, and a resonant speech on responsible drinking (no condoms on bananas, though - they're not those kind of RAs...). good times. unfortunately, despite my raging fake tan and the giddyness of vacation overcoming me (and shortness on clothes because they were all packed so my shorn peter, bjorn, and john will have to do), it was not my night at flip cup and i basically had flipping anxiety. the pics were just released, so feast your ojos on these bad boys. woo hoo. sarah is the gal in the spray painted hat - a soulmate of sorts. we're always trying to unload clothes on each other. in an email today, she said (and i quote) "do you have any need for leather pants? i have a black pair i want to get rid of." now, that, my friends, is a friend.

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