in fact, as with any malady, i devised my own holistic treatment plan. it involves an intense amount of gaia herbs echinacea and other homeopathic liquigels; drinking (as heather, my dancer friend, once suggested) a quart of oj - with the juice of an entire lemon squeezed in it - in under an hour; teas of various kinds; and lots of scalding baths with rosemary oil. later on, when my stomach has proven to me that it can go the distance, i might make a very sexy concoction of garlic, onion, lemon juice, hot pepper, and chicken broth - a nonna specialty that can do everything from put hair on your chest to cure a common cold. what it will not do is get anyone lining up to make out with you. to cap off this whine, i'll just say that, duh, i hate being sick. but this is ever so inconvenient because i have loads of stuff to do for work and even more to do for chicagojobhunttime. i'm starting to get nervous and feel as if i have an hourglass strapped to my back. my mom sent me cell phone pics of a three-legged cat she's befriended in her neighborhood. that lifted my spirits significantly.
also, a piece of advice, when you've been in your apt. for almost 24 hours straight (i understand that for some this is normal) and you're not used to it (like me), are wearing the same stained stanford sweatshirt and slipper socks all day, and cannot breathe through both of your nostrils, DO NOT WATCH a danish drama that netflix just so happened to choose from your queue. 'after the wedding' was a good movie, but the grey sky and stoicism of the danes were not uplifting for my situation. instead, i recommend 'milo and otis' or something equally feel-good.
so dear friends - call me, email me, sing 'uptown girl' to me or something. tell me how this whole moving to chicago thing is an awesome idea despite the piss poor economy and hiring climate. tell me how my trip there to interview will be so awesomely destined that i'll scarcely believe how great it turns out, because it will feel like a drew barrymore/jennifer garner/chick-flick movie where i have a fabulous wardrobe, along with an amazing, 'how'd i land that?' job. sniffle. i'm going to see what's on tv - i am astonished to find that among all the trash tv, the style network literally plays 'whose wedding is it anyway?' non-stop from 9 - 6pm. gag.
Uptown girlllll,
Shes been living in her uptown world.
I bet she never had a back street guy--
I bet her mama never told her why..
Im gonna try for an uptown girllll
Shes been living in her white bread world
As long as anyone with hot blood can
And now shes looking for a downtown man
Thats what I am
And when she knows what
She wants from her tiy-yi-yime
And when she wakes up
And makes up her miy-yi-yind...
She'll see I'm not so tough
Just because
I'm in love
With an uptown girlll
You know Ive seen her in her uptown world
She's getting tired of her high class toys
And all her presents from her uptown boys
She's got a choice
Feel better, little snot face. XOXOXOXO
Asherlev- Peach...Daughter-
You are so amazing & wonderful!
I am eternally PROUD of YOU!
I say...
No worries..
Go for your Chicago dreams!
Go get that job.
Go find that sweet, cozy apt.
Go adopt "Banjo"!
Go find your love!
Go & know I support you every step of the way!
No worries hunny.
You have been able to accomplish many things.
This is so do-able!
You are beautiful, witty, brilliant, fun, adorable, deep, kind, loving, sassy, wonderful!
Have faith that life unfolds and there are no mistakes.
You are & will be fine in this next chapter!
I am with you all of the way!
I thank you for being such an amazing Daughter! Because..YOU truly are!
Always loving & supporting you-
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