
Don't Hate the Player

My friend Jason from my Texas days is a very special boy. He's allergic to mint, once had Scabies, and used to throw me and my cheap jewelry in his backyard swimming pool (out of anger? out of adolescent lust?). Here's him scolding me for blogging and a link to his HOME VIDEO. The end.

me: relying on old material
Jason: whatever at least i don't have a BLOG
like a real actual one
me: right, well, I mean
wherever would you find the time
making home movies and all
Jason: right
plus who wants to read about me going to see G-rated movies in the theater by myself and chubby-chasing at country bars in fort worth?
me: I certainly do
don't forget staying in the closet for this long
Jason: yeah, but it's one meticulously organized closet

Much better use of time than blogging... (kind of genius, but whatever)

1 comment:

jason said...

I'll be in Boston the weekend of November 22nd. Ladies.